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Final Post

         Hello everyone!          This post is my final post if I m not going to continue blogging outside of my lecture. Since I started to take this class, my perspective on technology has changed a lot. Before taking this class, technology was something that I use to spend time and have fun with. I did not think of how technology is intertwined with our lives and how useful it is for the students when used with education. From the very first lesson, I've felt that my ability to use technology in education has gradually increased. During the semester, we have worked on projects like creating Infographic, Poster, Wıkı, Storytelling, and many others. My favorite one was creating a Public service announcement with my friends. I enjoyed doing this project as I love group works. Some of the homework was really hard but fun as well. The least favorite of homework was the 21st learning task. Because it was a bit boring homework for me to do. I also had fun while creating a poster for on
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            Hello everyone! This week, we were asked to create an infographic about online education in turkey during the pandemic. “Infographic” is a portmanteau of the words “information” and “graphic.” Basically, you give info about a topic through visual tools. When I started to prepare my infographic, I searched for resources I will use for this project. After finding my resources, I started to look for a tool to create an infographic. As always, I mostly used Canva to make this project

Digital Storytelling

Hello everyone!         As for this week's assignment, we were given a choice: were we going to create either a how-to video or a PSA. My friends İlayda , Beyza , and I decided to make a PSA about covid-19. Since there is an ongoing pandemic, we thought that a PSA about what measures we can take against corona would be both informative and life-saving. While doing our PSA, we have used lots of tools and websites like Canva, Pexels, and Adobe Premiere. We first started the project by distributing the parts of the video and everyone voiced their own section.          I think this project offers students to be creative and use technology at the same time.  I would recommend this assignment to my future students.


           Hello everyone!     It has been almost 2 weeks since my last post and I can' tell how much I missed writing here.  This week's assignment was an individual project. We were asked to create a poster either for a film or magazine. I chose the magazine. We were also free about the theme for our magazine. I thought creating a magazine about music would be good. Because I love recommending my favorite bands to my friends.      Through my poster making process I used 2 different tools. The first one was Adobe Photoshop. I used it to polish the photo I choose for the magazine.  The other tool is Canva. It's a pretty useful website for creating posters, banners, and logos, etc. Here's a link for Canva .      I had a lot of fun while creating my poster. I would recommend this project to my students.


Hello everyone!     This week's assignment was to create a Padlet on a topic we chose with our group. We decided to make it about unemployment.       First, we created a column for the things we know about unemployment. This is the first and most important step in working on research. Seeing how much you know about the topic makes it easier to research.      Our next task in this assignment was to write down what we would like to learn about the topic. Each person in our group wrote down 3 things they wanted to learn.      In this research we conducted on unemployment, we learned a lot of new things, such as countries with the highest unemployment rate, the reasons for high unemployment, and how to reduce it.  Through this project we did on Padlet, we learned a lot about unemployment. Furthermore, it helps you to improve teamwork.      I would recommend this assignment that develops skills such as teamwork, brainstorming, and technology to my future students. 

My Vox-Pop About Online Education

     Hello Everyone!            I hope everyone is healthy and okay. As you know in this blog I share my assignments weekly and this week's assignment is making a Vox-Pop which means "voice of the people". Vox-Pop is an interview where you ask people questions and get short answers.      Before I started doing this Vox-Pop, I thought it would be an easy task to do. However, I couldn't finish as easily as I expected. Especially, It took me a long time to come up with a question to ask people. Then, I decided to ask about online education to understand how people are affected by this process we are going through. So in this vox-pop, I asked my friends what are the disadvantages of online education. I thought finding people to ask the question would be hard but it wasn't like I expected and I easily found enough friends to make Vox-Pop together.           After my friends answered the question I asked them, I combined the voice recordings. While I was thinking that o

21st Century Learning

          In the 21st century, with the development of technology, the world surrounding us began to change. One of the areas that benefited the most from this change was education and learning. With the new educational tools, means of education become as important as education itself. In 21st century education, skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, study habits, technology and media literacy are important skills for students to succeed. Thanks to technology, students can now access information faster and if it is used efficiently, using technology as a means of learning is important, otherwise, students get used to accessing information with minimal effort and become lazy. According to 21st-century learning, students should use technology as a tool to research, evaluate information, manage projects and produce results. Furthermore, 21st-century learning is very important for language learning. Students can learn a language easily and effectively with dictionaries in our s