Hello everyone! This post is my final post if I m not going to continue blogging outside of my lecture. Since I started to take this class, my perspective on technology has changed a lot. Before taking this class, technology was something that I use to spend time and have fun with. I did not think of how technology is intertwined with our lives and how useful it is for the students when used with education. From the very first lesson, I've felt that my ability to use technology in education has gradually increased. During the semester, we have worked on projects like creating Infographic, Poster, Wıkı, Storytelling, and many others. My favorite one was creating a Public service announcement with my friends. I enjoyed doing this project as I love group works. Some of the homework was really hard but fun as well. The least favorite of homework was the 21st learning task. Because it was a bit boring homework for me to do. ...